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🌎 Portfolio using React


I upgraded my portfolio site because I have learned a lot of new React skills during my time at Suncorp thanks to Pluralsight. I’ve also come to love the idea of minimal configuration wherever possible. Using React, Travis and Github pages I eliminated many of the maintenance overheads of the previous implementation including:

A big thanks to Mike Villis for providing a very easy to follow process. Take a look at his article on how to set up your own Simple React Site for free!

View the full README and source for lachlanmckay.com on Github

Hosting Tech

GithubSource code hosting
Github PagesFree static file hosting
Google Cloud StorageMedia file hosting (images/video/pdfs etc.)

Development Tech

ReactFacebook favoured frontend js library
ReduxState management that works well with React
BootstrapResponsive styling
TravisFree automated ci/cd to github pages
Three.jsJavascript 3D library - used for the 3D eye on homepage
Font AwesomeSocial media buttons without having to host the images
MasonryLayout beautifier. Used with image galleries
Real Favicon GeneratorCreating favicon files for many platforms
ParallaxMoving background images
ESLintCleans your source code
PrettierMakes your source code pretty


What went well?

What could be improved?

What still puzzles me?

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