😈 Loki McKay
Software engineer
✨ Fusing art and technology into visceral digital experiences 🐲
- Open source advocate
- Passionate about all things beautiful & technical
- Exp. in financial, academic and creative industries
- 😎 Cool stuff
- 📜 Automatically scroll a page
- 💥 Breaking a section out of a limited width container
- 💎 Giscus
- 🖼️ Astro SVG
- 💀 Skeletons
- 🚀 Astro starter template
- 🌙 Astro dark mode
- 💀 Preact Skeletons
- 💡 Next project ideas
- 🔍 Civitai Model Browser
- 🗡️ Godot Rapier 3D
- 🐕 Bazooka born (doggy)
- 🤖 BAR widgets
- 🐕 Adopted Gordito (doggy)
- 💼 Self employed - Code Cabana
- 🌴 CC Elements
- 🌴 Code Cabana
- 🎓 Sitecore 10 .NET Developer certified
- 🚧 Resurface
- 🎓 Mulesoft Certified
- 🐕 Adopted Boss (doggy)
- 💻 Contributed to tinaCMS
- 📃 Productive Dev Setup 2020
- 💻 React Component Tips
- 💼 Liquid Interactive - Full stack developer
- 🌎 Portfolio using React
- 📷 Iota image resizer
- 🦌 7Stag
- 🎮 Space Dungeon
- 🌎 Portfolio using Jekyll
- 💼 Queensland University of Technology - Lecturer
- 🎮 Swordslide
- 🐂 Bull
- 🤠 Cowboy
- 🌎 Portfolio using Hugo
- 💼 Suncorp - Software Engineer
- 💼 Schnitz - Casual Team Member
- 🎮 Chronodash
- 🎓 Graduated Griffith University - Bachelor of Games Design
- 🏭 Frantic Factory
- 🕙 West Clocktown
- 🎬 CGI/VFX Showreel
- ☢️ Toxic Subway
- 🎮 Hive
- 🏎️ Scout Vehicle
- 🏞️ River Scene
- 🚀 Shmup Ships
- 🚁 Helicopter VFX Test
- 🎓 Graduated HS - Dux of Film and Television
- 🌙 Moon VFX Test
- 🚚 Moved - QLD AUS
- 👶 Born - NSW AUS